This series is now available as a single pdf document for easy reading. Find it here.
This series of posts is structured as follows:
CATEGORY 0: Disclaimers. [36 items]
CATEGORY 1: Ways boys and young men are guided badly in, or taught negative things about, how to act, how to view themselves, and how to exist as men in the world. [62 items]
CATEGORY 2: Ways men are forced into feminine roles and withheld from accessing valuable masculine roles. [21 items]
CATEGORY 3: Ways men are forced into masculine roles and withheld from accessing valuable feminine roles. [33 items]
CATEGORY 4: Ways men are either required to master both masculine and feminine roles, or given little space to embody either. [12 items]
CATEGORY 5: Ways in which it is worse to be a feminine man than it is to be a masculine man, a feminine woman, or a masculine woman. [11 items]
CATEGORY 6: Ways in which men are held more accountable, granted less deniability, and given less access to victimhood, than women. [72 items]
Miscellaneous ways in which masculinity and being a man can be hurtful:
CATEGORY 7.1: Ways in which men’s ways of relating to everything, such as the self, the world, and life, can be hurtful. [20 items]
CATEGORY 7.2: Ways in which men’s ways of doing and relating to social interaction, friendship, and other social areas of life, can be hurtful. [15 items]
CATEGORY 7.3: Ways in which men’s ways of relating to their own (perceived lack of) inherent lovability, can be hurtful. [26 items]
CATEGORY 7.4: Ways in which men’s ways of relating to their own emotions and their expression thereof, can be hurtful. [13 items]
CATEGORY 7.5: Ways in which men’s ways of relating to their own sexuality and their expression thereof, can be hurtful. [35 items]
CATEGORY 7.6: Miscellaneous ways it can be hurtful to be a man. [71 items]
Don’t panic! It’s a lot of content, but there’s no one who’ll check if you read all of it. Even if you wanted to do so, it will likely take multiple sittings to get through. This is a long piece. Be sure to pace yourself in whatever manner works for you.
The disclaimers (Category 0) are quite numerous, but provide valuable context on how to read this piece. I highly recommend you read them, preferably before you start the list itself, so as to better understand how to read the list.
The categories are numbered, but not sequential. You may feel free to read them in any order. I highly recommend that instead of taking the linear path, you pick for yourself a category to start with now.
It is important that the vulnerable and emotional space created here is closed properly and lovingly; in the conclusion, I attempt to do this. No matter how much or how little you read, it is my hope that before you leave, even if you’ve spent only a little time here, you’ll let me bring you to the door, with a few choice gifts for the road.
This is an excellent article that everyone should read, but I think you should remove the few comic relief points. In something as dead-serious as this they could easily be misinterpreted.